• Printmaking / Murals / Community

  • Printmaking / Murals / Community

  • Printmaking / Murals / Community

  • Printmaking / Murals / Community

Reinaldo Gil Zambrano

Reinaldo Gil Zambrano

Reinaldo Gil Zambrano is an award-winning printmaking artist from Caracas, Venezuela, in Spokane, WA. RGZ began collecting unique stories from random social encounters that highlight the common aspects of the human identity that later enriched the visual narratives of his drawings, relief prints, installations, and murals from an early age.

His narrative raises questions of daily issues equally experienced by people across cultures and borders using relief printing as a storytelling tool for its illustration and reflection. He studies the universal idea of home and how it affects individual personalities by exploring iconography derived from the Majority World and fascinating storytelling inspired by Hispanic literature's magical realism and illustrations from the Venezuelan Rosana Farias. His wordless visual narratives challenge the limitations of the written language and bring people together to celebrate the commonality of their collective experiences.

Recent Works